Humus: What is it and How is it Formed?

Organic/Sustainable test

Podcast Test

Do soil health indicators indicate soil health?
There is a problem with how soil health indicators are being developed. We start with farmers using soil health practices, for instance, no-till, crop rotation, cover crops, and application of manure or compost. Then we look for indicators that are sensitive to the use of these soil health practices. Then we use the most sensitive indicators to measure “the effects” of soil health practices. Do you see the problem?

Nitrogen and Sulfur Application in Soybeans.
Does the added cost payback in added yield? Agronomists are often asked if supplemental nitrogen and sulfur applications can enhance soybean yield. To answer these questions, a team of researchers conducted a multi-state project powered by the Science for Success initiative. They mined through two decades of datapoints, then tested findings with replicated research in […]

Alfalfa fertilizer guidelines
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