Tissue analysis

The Crop Advisor > Tissue analysis

The Crop Advisor

Plant tissue analysis measures actual nutrient utilization by the plant.  Analysis can indicate plant nutrient deficiencies or toxicities resulting from fertilizer, soil or water sources.

Plant tissue analysis provides two approaches to enhancing fertilizer effectiveness:

Diagnostic testing uses a tissue analysis when trouble shooting by comparing a “good” with a “bad” area. This approach is made when there is an obvious growth problem in the field.  

Comparative plant tissue testing can monitor nutrient status throughout the growing season and detect a nutrient deficiency before signs of stress appear. This type of analysis takes a precise measurement of the plant’s nutritional profile at the time the sample was taken.  This is an excellent method to monitor the crop throughout the season, thus maximizing the yield and quality.

The Crop Advisor uses both plant tissue analysis methods, with a significant emphasis on comparative samples.  This proactive approach results in better yields and management of dollars spent.  By using intimate knowledge of the crop, and applying closer crop management, The Crop Advisor maximizes the benefit to both you and your crop.